The Wellness Lifestyle & Empowerment Destination Retreat trainings are inspirational, experiential and transformational! The trainings were created to share with those who attend, a deepened insight and understanding of their journey in life and to initiate and/or advance healing and restoration on all levels; physically/health, mentally/thoughts, emotionally/feelings and spiritually.
On the journey of heightened consciousness and healing, the retreat trainings address at a level of depth that allows for break-through and transformation of the body, mind and spirit and their innate connection. This is a vital component for authentic healing and sustained health to transpire.
Healing of body, mind and spirit can transpire only from within... never through external sources. We can search externally for the rest of our lives in hope of the so-called next best thing, place or person; run from suffering, look to find inner peace and personal happiness... however, external replacement in an attempt to fill a void within us can work only for short periods of time, if at all. The perceived filling of this type of void via external means, (people, places or things), can never be self-sustaining. More suffering and a continued 'repetitive' cycle of the same 'story' in one's life will continue to reoccur until such time the person takes the journey deep within and gains an understanding at the foundational level, the cause and effect of this cycle.
Learning what this void and cycle actually are and then learning how to heal, is among one of the many teachings that participants of the Wellness Lifestyle & Empowerment Retreat will receive and benefit from during their retreat/training event experience.
(Please select 'Teachings' from the top menu bar for more details.)
Kathleen S. McGowan,
D.D.,C.M.A.,C.N.C.,R.M., N.A.M.W.
Kathleen McGowan is a gifted inspirational speaker and educator who delivers both motivation and inspiration from the depths of her heart to her audiences and clients. The messages that flow from her are genuine and truly transformational!
The depth of Kathleen's insight and teachings as a health and nutrition mentor, healer and spiritual teacher comes from spending more than 35 years specializing in nutrition, natural medicine, energetic and spiritual healing. In addition to her extensive professional experience, the transformational insights she shares with others comes from a place of personal experience in her own life's journey and her continued spiritual growth that reaches over decades.
Kathleen is known for her deep faith, kindness, compassion, empathy and for her health and spiritual teachings/facilitation. Her profound yet simple and straightforward style of inspirational communication has already helped countless people throughout the world find health, healing, balance, inner peace and realization of their Higher-self.
Kathleen's touch on people's lives encompassing health, healthy weight loss/release, and one's nutritional needs are centered around identifying areas of stagnate/blocked energy in the body, understanding them and then teaching methods of release. This 'release' is one of the instrumental steps for allowing healing to transpire that Kathleen teaches.
In the journey of healing the body, mind and spirit, Kathleen teaches that expansion of consciousness and continued spiritual awakening/growth is necessary in order to obtain and sustain vibrant health, happiness and inner peace. She deeply believes that it is also necessary for discovering one's True-Being and Higher purpose.
Kathleen is an advocate for freedom from abuse, (human & animal); healing from the aftermath of abuse, and awareness of the worldwide human-trafficking epidemic of monumental tragedy. Her special calling and passion is in helping those who currently are existing in non-healthy/toxic/abusive (verbally and/or physical) environments and for those who have already found a way to have removed themselves from such environments; yet continue to experience the aftermath, cyclical damaging effects and behaviors that are created when having lived/(survived) through such controlling, life/energy-robbing experiences; particularly when such is caused by (currently having or have had) in their life, a person(s) who is a narcissist, sociopath or pathological liar.
In deeply and personally understanding the dynamics and effects... physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually that take hold within a person and within their life when having survived the toxic life-robbing drama that transpires when being the target of narcissistic abuse; Kathleen was led in her heart and spirit to create this series of teachings, specifically her 'Connecting-the-Dots' (CTD)teachings. The (CTD) teachings are for those who continue to search for a greater understanding to the 'whys' to such abuse; those who are in need of healing and for those who desire to create a new happy and fulfilling life for themselves... a life where they no longer define themselves by their past and past conditioning.
The 'Connecting-the-Dots' (CTD) teachings are about HOPE. They're about 'Hope' because when you have been the target of narcissistic abuse, regaining HOPE and gaining the belief that 'YOU' will heal , and that 'YOUR LIFE' can be healed... is essential to you in creating a new healthy, happy and fulfilled life. Belief that healing from this area of trauma is actually possible is vital, as to allow one to finally move forward with their life!
This path of healing is personally known by the creator of the 'Connecting-the-Dots' teachings... Kathleen S. McGowan.
In continuing in Kathleen's life's purpose and path of helping others, having over thirty-five years of experience in the medical, natural medicine, nutrition and energy healing fields, Kathleen is also the creator of the 'Health, Healing and Empowerment' teachings. These teachings focus on the tangible aspects of what is needed to be done in our daily life from a health and nutrition standpoint. This teaching is a stand-alone training, however, it is an ideal foundation for attending Kathleen's 'Stepping Into True-Being' teachings.
The 'Stepping Into True-Being' teachings were also created by Kathleen, based upon her many years of professional experience in assisting a countless number of people over the years; learned knowledge, as well as her own personal experience. Kathleen understands form a very personal experience and at a deep level how the Body, Mind and Spirit are directly connected and why understanding this connection is essential for having, and maintaining good health.
Kathleen understands at a very deep and personal level that until a person takes the journey to 'Transcend the necessary Restrictive Barriers' that are holding them from 'Stepping Into their True-Being', that it is next to impossible to have true peace and freedom of mind, body and spirit, and to live at one's heightened potential.
Kathleen has spent considerable time over the years in Europe and in her experience in energy healing. She combines both her innate and learned knowledge and experience together with many of her teachings learned in Europe to assist others in their healing. Kathleen has traveled extensively speaking and training, as well as in her capacity as wellness mentor/advisor.
In addition to live audience speaking engagements, Kathleen has been a featured television and radio-talk-show educator on health and wellness, nutrition, environmental issues, freedom from abuse and of Human rights, both domestically and abroad. She is a health & wellness mentor, healer and spiritual teacher whose foundation is solidly grounded in faith, genuine caring and love.
Kathleen's desire and intention is to allow the 'Light' to shine through her, as to heal, expand consciousness and love, and to help end suffering of humans and animals, globally.
The insight and teachings that participant's acquire during their retreat/event is profound, yet presented in the simplistic teaching style that health and spiritual teacher Kathleen McGowan is known for. The teachings encompass the areas Health, (physical & emotional), Spiritual Awakening/growth and Connecting-the-Dots... understanding the after-effects of and healing from having existed in a toxic/abusive relationship.
While on their journey of healing and inner peace, retreat/event participants will travel and gain deep insight by heightened discovery, understanding and awakening in relationship to physical body/health, mentally/thoughts and Emotionally/feelings and Spiritually.
1) The Health, Healing and Empowerment teachings are for all those who genuinely want to learn what to do for themselves and their families in order to have good health. The trainings are for individuals who have come to understand that there is no-one better than themself to have the knowledge for what is going on with their body and health and who are ready to accept the fact that the only way to have and maintain good health for themselves and family, is to take responsibility for doing so.
These teachings cover not only the basics of nutrition, i.e. understanding how to read labels of what you eat and drink, whole-food nutritional supplements vs potentially poisonous synthetic vitamin supplementation, the importance of the quality of water you drink and of its alkalinity or acidity; this teaching also provides the information that a person must understand in order to 'work with their body, instead of against it', particularly in regards to once and for all understanding the reasons and dynamics to the yo-yo of dieting cycle; enzyme deficiencies, low energy, excessive chatter in the brain, body type and much more.
(Please select 'Event Inquiry' from the top Menu bar for more details/ about this event's teachings).
*This event is offered to: Women, Men, Couples, Groups, Parents, Organizations and Businesses.
Note: Women exclusive events are available upon request.
2) The Stepping into True-Being teachings are for all those who are intuitively being led to attend this transformational retreat/event. The event's teachings are for those who feel a deep inner-calling guiding them with an innate knowledge that the time is 'Now' in their life to journey deeper inside themselves and gain greater understanding and clarity about who they are; who they are not, their life journey and their Higher-purpose.
These teachings are for those that have come to the point-of-time in their life journey, that they genuinely desire to gain insight to the root cause of suffering and to learn how to heal their body, mind and spirit, as to gain freedom from the suffering and to live enriched and joy filled lives.
(Please select 'Event Inquiry' the top Menu bar for more details about this event's teachings).
*This event is offered to: Women, Men, Couples, Groups, Parents, Organizations and Businesses.
Note: Women exclusive events are available upon request.
3) The Connecting-the-Dots teachings were created for all women who currently are in, or who in the past have lived/survived in a toxic/abusive environment/relationship, and for those who lived in a toxic environment during their childhood.
This teaching provides significant in-depth insight on multiple levels that are necessary to understand in order to answer questions such as:
Q: What happened to me and to my life?
Q: Why do I allow/have allowed myself to be treated this way?
Q: Why do I seem to always draw toxic/abusive relationships/people to myself?
Q: Am I crazy or are they?
Q: Is my life always going to be like this?
Q: Is there such a thing as having a life where 'I'm not afraid' and 'I'm not having to walk on egg-shells'?
The teachings in this life-changing event help participants gain insight that is needed in order to understand the dynamics and effects which transpire within a person and in their life from being in, or having been in such environments, and/or relationships.
This event is for those who continue to search for answers to the 'whys', for those who are in need of healing, and for those who desire to create a new fulfilling life for themselves, a life where they no longer define themselves by their past.
The 'Connecting-The-Dots' teachings are truly life-transformational and brings you on a journey of Discovery, Understanding, Awakening, Finding True-being, Transcending restrictive barriers, Healing, Transitioning, and Living a life of genuine happiness and fulfillment., where you are no longer living/surviving in fear and suffering.
(Please select Event Inquiry' the top Menu bar for more details about this event's teachings).
Retreat exclusivity:
Due to the sensitive nature of topics in the 'Connecting-the-Dots' teachings, this event is exclusively for Women.
The Connecting-the-Dot's teachings, exclusively for Men is scheduled upon request.
We thank you for understanding that we make every provision possible in assuring that your retreat/event holds the space necessary for the teachings to be the transformational experience, that they can and should be in your life.
* Your privacy is understood and respected.
Retreat & Seminar Location Of Your Choice... The Wellness Lifestyle & Empowerment Retreat is about helping people... in saying this, we want to do everything we possibly can to help share the life transforming information and experience gained through our retreats/events with all those who desire a greater depth of understanding, healing, freedom, and who desire becoming unstuck and move forward in life!
It is for this reason that The Wellness Lifestyle & Empowerment Destination Retreat is flexible and can come to your area upon request!
We call this The Wellness Lifestyle & Empowerment Destination Retreat Flexible Event Location' Option.
The Wellness Lifestyle & Empowerment Destination Retreat Flexible Event Location... how it works:
-First... by sharing with others (family, friends, co-workers, groups, organizations, etc.) about the Health, Healing & Empowerment, Stepping Into True-Being and Connecting-the-Dots retreats and seminars; discover who desires, as you do, to attend our Wellness Lifestyle & Empowerment Destination Retreat in your area.
-Second... when you know of others in your area who wish to attend one of our retreats or seminars, or who desire to attend one, two or all three retreats, simply call us at +1 (281) 541-9032 or email us at:
- Third... We will then contact you and collaborate on getting a Wellness Lifestyle & Empowerment Destination Retreat, seminar or speaking engagement scheduled in your area! It's that simple!...
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Disclaimer: The content displayed on this website is for educational purposes only and is not meant or intended to diagnose or treat.
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